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Fall Staging Tips to Make Any Buyer Love Your Home!


1) Lighter & Brighter

As the days get darker and shorter, adequate interior lighting is key if you want to make a lasting impression during the viewing. Make sure to change your light bulbs to bright lights that highlight the home and place plenty of lamps throughout. If you can, make sure the lamps are already lit prior to the buyers walking through your doors. You can strategically add lights highlight and complete your decor.

2) Focus on Comfort

Let’s face it, we live up North where the long winter months are for hibernation. It’s for Netflix, snuggling up with a good book, staying warm and hanging out by the fireplace. Create an warm atmosphere that the buyer will feel comfortable and cozy in. Add a fuzzy throw blanket on your couch, a few festive pillows, some reading material on your coffee table or some decorative candles. This will highlight the relaxing elements and ambiance of your home.

3) The Secret Selling Tip: Scents

An old real estate tip was to keep a freshly baked apple pie in the oven during open houses because it would subliminally make the potential Buyer feel more at home. Does it work, you may ask? It doesn’t hurt to try! Scents trigger emotions, so pleasant aromas can potentially put the Buyer in a happy state-of-mind and help your chances! You can add the autumn aromas to your home with freshly baked treats, candles and essential oils. I would recommend scents such as apple, cinnamon and vanilla. The scents can be overbearing so be sure to keep it subtle and not overdue it!